Life's vagaries explained through football, food, travel and canines.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Parents In Thailand

So my parents are coming to Bangkok--extremely early on Friday morning. I have been looking forward to it for a long time and cannot believe that half a year has elapsed since I have seen them. I have often wished I could go back for a few days, enough to watch some matches with my dad or eat my mother's cooking. But long separations from family come with the territory unless you are lucky enough to have family in the vicinity.

They will be here only for a short time--three days and I want it all to be perfect naturally, being a dutiful daughter. I'm thinking Day One will be light--a little Jim Thompson, a little foot massage, a little Baan Khanitha. Day Two will be the jam--Bangkok on steriods and all the tourist stuff I haven't done since I visited last year. Then dinner on Soi Rang Nam with my loverly friends. I can't wait til my mother sees the size of the shrimp (or the bill which is usually a laugh!)

Day Three--Chatuchak, pack and relax. Then off to KL to the Ghoshes and some family QT. Oh and TOP SHOP. That's right. TOP SHOP.


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